Archives mensuelles

mars 2016

Articles de recherche

Antécédents et conséquences de la facilité d’utilisation d’un téléphone mobile : associer simplicité et interactivité à la satisfaction, à la confiance et à la fidélité à la marque.

“Antecedents and consequences of mobile phone usability: Linking simplicity and interactivity to satisfaction, trust, and brand loyalty.”

Cette recherche s’intéresse aux antécédents et aux conséquences de l’utilité des Smartphones dans la construction de la fidélité sur ce marché.

Dongwon Lee, Junghoon Moon, Yong Jin Kim, Mun Y. Yi, Information & management, Volume 52, Issue 3, Avril 2015 Lire la suite

Non classé

Happy Birthday to mom

Completely satisfied Birthday to mom If you looked cooking window of the house I grew up in, You’d probably probably see my mother at the stove. She for you to drive a car. She did n’t have any specific interests outside her home, But her influence on our purposes as she went about her daily tasks caring for us set a shining example of optimism and enthusiasm She ongoing the morning with”Which is the day the Lord hath made, I shall delight and be glad in it, Might be set the entire day. She was always the first one up in the house morning and could not comprehend anyone wanting to”Lie before going to sleep, Your kitchen was spotless: “Care is next to Godliness” Was her saying, And the usual fare was cold and hot cereal at breakfast and bean soup at lunch. I don’t remember seeing a cookbook or the Canada recommended daily food groups chart about, But she had a natural appreciation of fresh fruit and veg and set an example of healthy eating by encouraging us to eat what we liked, You have to”Little, Gluttony was a word you heard during those times. My first celebrity was a neighbour who starred on a nearby TV cooking show. My mother respected Mrs. Olds, Whom I never called by her name, Rosalene. Mrs. Olds was Italian with classic gives you, And had a flair with onions and acidic the vegetable tomato fruits. Can can recall the gift of the gab? Mrs. Olds had that the majority of, That. My mother confided she and her friend distributed a”Good ruse, Or a really good cry, This was before the days of counsellors and psycho therapist like Pavlov. Mother took great pride in her remarkable health. “If you have your health you have all the feaures, She could not perceive sleeping problems because she had”A clear mind, If my mother remained as alive, She would soon be congratulating yourself on 112 years. I am at this moment in the”Birthday reaction, This is an emotional example of which I have long been aware. On my mother’s birthday I like to go to the woods or the lake and mark a circle with rocks to recognize the anchor text I feel to the earth and sky Kenta Maeda jersey, Caused by her. I can’t put into words the appreciation I feel for the loving shape my mother bestowed on me. The anniversary reaction is portion of the grieving process and reflects her importance to me every day of the year. These intense psychological and mental feelings are normal, Natural, And reflect the potency of love over loss and sorrow. From time to time, I feel her presence in my room so strongly I pull out a chair for her by sitting. She always generally seems to me as if she were mid life and no words are spoken, But I am reminded of warmth and passion. In just a minute the image is gone. Once after was skiing, I looked while using trees and she was sitting on a kitchen chair in the snow. I do not think she ever saw a mountain. I was comforted recently when I misplaced my glasses and kept in mind her saying, “Lifeline loses nothing, We were young, I recall significant papers lost, But mother reassured each person that, With military services has started of the drawers, The things would be found. They as well always were. Just like I found my glasses in their case on a table by the doorstep. I think of her when I people for assistance with a clasp that is too tiny to see. I remember her puzzlement at within open cans or jars. “I just don’t strength in my hands anymore, Fur coats are overweight for me now as my frame is shrinking and I smile to recall her resigning herself to winter coats made of light wool or cashmere just as I am now doing Corey Seager jersey. I laugh at the buzz that gratitude is generating everywhere. So called experts on Facebook and social science data are learning people like my mother who expressed gratitude every day on average have lower stress levels, Lower hypertension levels, As pleasing relationships, High grades and so forth. One example of the joy my mother found in everyday occurrences was the invention of a cardinal in the snow outside the kitchen window. We counseled me called to view this tiny wonder of creation. Seemed to be the”Pet’s meow” Or perhaps even”Far better sliced bread, “You have wellness, You have associated with life, Was her daily prayer of thanksgiving holiday, And the determination to maintain my own health comes from her constant reminder of the value of caring for oneself and the ones around you. His”We don’t know what’s ahead and that’s an excellent” Are phrases I hear in my heart, Yet again the date of her birthday is coming near, Words that guide and comfort and ease me still. Before the world wide web, Seniors learned to connect with each other by sharing grateful hearts and we were blessed with parents who noted daily thanks all our lives. Our families shared dinner at the table and the blessing was part. At my table not too, We did a gratitude exercise and individuals were invited to list five things for which they are thankful. The best teenage boy listed”Summer season season, Child, Times during the peace, Running water and water lines, And consequently music, His dad famous”Home, Family member, Buddies, Health and ways for learning, All this is commensurate with the spirit of sharing the goodness we have received in our lives with others. This spirit is common, Let’s sing and dance and enjoy our-self. And be happy. Are ruined, Alberta, Sask. Have to have leave now(3)People who work outdoors urged to have their cool as heat wave hits(3)Bob Dylan ask(2)NewsAlert: Source says Scaramucci ousted from White House emails post(2)

Vie de l'Observatoire

Observatoire de la Fidélité : les résultats de la 7 ème édition

La 7ème édition de l’Observatoire de la fidélité et de la fidélisation clientèle a eu lieu le 4 mars 2016 dans les locaux de l’IAE de Bordeaux devant 150 professionnels.

Si vous n’avez pas eu la chance d’avoir le rapport complet, vous pouvez le télécharger en PDF.

Pour une lecture très synthétique des résultats, vous pouvez visualiser notre infographie :

Observatoire de la Fidélité infographie


Vous pouvez retrouver la présentation intégrale de cette édition.

Vous pouvez également visionner ci-dessous la présentation de notre invitée Gwarlann de Kerviler,

Articles de recherche

Le statut de client privilégié : modèle conceptuel et essai de validation

Naouel Makaoui, Haithem Nagati et Gilles Paché, Revue Française du Marketing N°251, Mars 2015

1- Sujet traité
L’article porte sur le statut de client privilégié (CP) en proposant un modèle conceptuel qui permet de comprendre pourquoi et comment un client peut accroître la motivation de son fournisseur à s’engager durablement avec lui dans une relation d’échange. Le modèle conceptuel s’appuie sur plusieurs variables : engagement du client, confiance, statut de CP, comportement coopératif du client. Les hypothèses relatives au modèle sont testées à l’aide de données collectées auprès de 176 entreprises industrielles françaises. L’article a comme sujet la fidélisation client au niveau BtoB. En effet, il a pour but de montrer que le statut de client privilégié que peut avoir une entreprise avec un fournisseur, va être bénéfique pour les deux parties. En effet, le modèle proposé par les auteurs permet d’avoir une compréhension des motivations qui poussent un fournisseur et un client à s’engager durablement entre eux.
Lire la suite

Articles de recherche, Programme de fidélisation

Rôle de la proximité et de l’identification dans la fidélité des consommateurs au point de vente dans différents circuits de distribution

Costa, S. ; Hérault-Fournier C. ; Sirieix, L. MOISA 2015-4. Cet article a été présenté aux journées jeunes chercheurs de l’INRA à Grenoble.

1- Sujet traité

Cet article étudie le rôle de la proximité et de l’identification dans la fidélité des consommateurs au point de vente, en circuit court et en circuit long. A partir d’une enquête auprès de 1625 consommateurs, cette étude montre l’influence des proximités relationnelles et des processus sur l’identification. Puis l’influence de l’identification sur l’engagement affectif et la fidélité en point de vente. Ainsi que l’effet modérateur du type de circuit sur ces facteurs d’influence. Lire la suite